The Book of Who
Who hunts, who fishes
but seldom wishes
Who speaks, Who gestures
but Who never postures
Who loves, Who desires
but Who rarely misfires
Who marches, Who parades
but Who seldom trades
Who is, Who believes
but Who rarely deceives
Who sings, Who dances
but Who seldom prances
Who counts, Who raves
but Who rarely saves
Who touches, Who caresses
but Who hardly messes
Who trips, Who stumbles
but Who rarely grumbles
Who grins, Who smiles
but Who seldom ridicules
Who winks, Who amuses
but rarely confuses
Who reasons, Who contrives
but Who never connives
Who serves, Who pleases
but Who rarely teases
Who comes, Who leaves
but Who seldom grieves
Who reasons, Who judges
but Who barely budges
Who points, Who specifies
but Who seldom implies
Who spits, Who dribbles
but Who never quibbles
Who sleeps, Who snores
but Who rarely bores
Who walks, Who rambles
but Who seldom gambles
Who flirts, Who entrances
but Who rarely romances
Who explains, Who clarifies
but Who seldom mystifies
Who runs, Who races
but Who barely paces
Who ponders, Who illustrates
but Who seldom debates
Who blinks, Who recuses
but Who rarely confuses
Who annoys, Who agitates
but Who seldom frustrates
Who prays, who reaches
but Who never preaches
Who soaks, Who bathes
but Who seldom shaves
Who swears, Who pledges
but Who rarely hedges
Who writes, Who muses
but Who rarely excuses
Who steers, Who navigates
but Who never hesitates
Who jigs, Who gyrates
but Who hardly vibrates
Who drinks, Who piddles
but Who rarely diddles
Who coughs, Who sneezes
but Who barely wheezes
Who feels, Who aches
but Who seldom fakes
Who winks, Who stares
but Who barely glares
Who dreams, Who meditates
but Who rarely hesitates
Who draws, Who sketches
but Who seldom kvetches
Who orders, Who arranges
but Who hardly changes
Who spies, Who investigates
but Who rarely delegates
Who laughs, Who giggles
but Who seldom jiggles
Who directs, Who urges
but Who never purges
Who bargains, Who negotiates
but Who rarely obfuscates
Who asks, Who advises
but Who seldom sacrifices
Who sorts, Who classifies
but Who never ossifies
Who talks, Who articulates
but who rarely exasperates
Who plants, Who cultivates
but Who briefly vegetates
Who says, Who investigates
but Who seldom delegates
Who travels, Who migrates
but Who rarely agitates
Who sleeps, Who wakes
but Who barely shakes
Who grins, Who amuses
but Who never abuses
Who jots, Who rhapsodizes
but Who rarely plagiarizes
Who uses, Who tokes
but Who never smokes
Who flirts, Who dates
but Who seldom mates
Who entraps, Who seduces
but Who rarely produces
Who declaims, Who recites
but Who hardly excites
Who lusts, Who desires
but Who seldom sires
Who plans, Who estimates
but Who rarely delegates
Who points, Who designates
but who never hesitates
Who risks, Who speculates
but Who rarely dictates
Who illuminates, Who ruminates
but Who never fulminates
Who wonders, Who digresses
but Who rarely obsesses
Who draws, Who creates
but Who seldom imitates
Who swears, Who pledges
but Who hardly hedges
Who directs, Who galvanizes
but Who never patronizes
Who jokes, Who jibes
but Who rarely imbibes
Who runs, Who rushes
but Who seldom touches
Who brags, Who inflates
but Who hardly exaggerates
Who gallops, Who rides
but Who rarely hides
Who experiments, who accumulates
but Who seldom subliminates
Who partners, Who collaborates
but Who rarely irritates
Who schemes, Who contrives
but Who never connives
Who stutters, Who mumbles
but Who seldom grumbles
Who travels, Who traverses
but Who rarely reverses
Who paints, Who varnishes
but Who never tarnishes
Who thinks, Who synthesizes
but Who seldom standardizes
Who gets, Who subscribes
but Who rarely proscribes
Who agrees, Who ratifies
but Who seldom justifies
Who passes, Who dies
but Who never lies
mlb 10/10
A crab sidles
thru the irrigation ditch
and passes fish
still and transparent.
As it moves
bursts of mud rises
and flacks the water.
mlb 8/67
The Gombeen Man (After S. Dangerfield)
It's the Gombeen Man and I'm not dead
all the bones have risen to my head.
Fear not to tread
on her pasty face,
hair in curlers and
slops of scent and deodorant.
Press on, heels in
to a finer freer cancer,
rusted lung, pointed tongue.
Feel on Sir Taster
to a fuller more satisfying
wampum in the sky,
dread of heart and heathenish habit.
It's the Gombeen Man and I'm not dead
all the bones have risen to my head.
mlb 12/66
Bullwhacker in the Sky (After E. Pound)
Rutted runner rotth
Brutish stare stainth
Postures painted painth
Gestures grimaced gainth
mlb 1967